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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Love your kids!!! It's your job......

As parents (well good parents) we love our children more than anything.  I grew up surrounded by love; I loved my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and my little sister more than I could ever imagine loving anyone and I knew they loved me.  Then you have the first love (or at least what we think is love it’s actually just a really big crush), maybe middle school or early high school.  Then you have the first true love.....yeap it’s the big one usually later in high school.  Come on girls you know the one you’re Momma warned you about.  She said you were too young to know what love really was (you rolled your eyes and slammed your door), she said he was only after one thing (he probably was), and when things went wrong and you were crying on your bed like the world had ended she told you that there would be other loves (and she was right).  Now sometimes that true love lasts a lifetime (and that’s great) but sometimes as we grow up we find a new true love that fits the adult version of ourselves better (that’s great also).  I have a fantastic Husband (one of a kind) and I love him so much I can't even explain it but for me the ultimate definition of love was the first time I held my child.
I have four now and I can honestly say with each one I thought to myself I can’t possibly love any stronger than I do now but each time I was wrong.  As a Mom you have the wonderful ability to love each child so much your heart hurts from it.  I was 19 when my oldest was born, at the time I thought I had it all figured out (if you’re 19, reading this, and think the same…just wait!!).  When they placed that beautiful baby in my arms I knew I didn’t have a clue.  The amount of emotion that hit me took my breath away.  In that very moment I knew three things; he was perfect, I now knew what “love” really felt like, and I would die trying to prevent anything from hurting my child.  Now that child is almost 12 and Dalton basically grew up as I grew up.  I’ve been divorced, remarried and have three more beautiful children (we’ll get to them in a minute ;-)) but still there’s a soft spot for that first born.  He’s smart, handsome, funny, loving, talented, stubborn, sarcastic, and probably a little spoiled (I prefer well loved).  He’s the one that makes me angry the quickest and the one that I can’t help admiring as he makes his argument and refuses to back down. When he wants to get into my good graces a little quicker after being in trouble all he has to do is give me a hug and say “I love you Mom and you’re the best Mom ever.”  Now I know he’s playing me and he knows I know but we both let it slide…. I mean I’m a Mom but I’m also a pretty big sucker ;-)  I mean look at this face wouldn’t you be?!

Next in line is the 5 year old.   I was older when I had him and much more settled.   I mean I had my life all lined up and I was happy…most importantly surely I was smarter so this time around should be a breeze right?  I expected a totally different experience with his birth but here’s what happened…. When they placed that beautiful baby in my arms I knew I didn’t have a clue.  The amount of emotion that hit me took my breath away.  In that very moment I knew three things; he was perfect, I now knew what “love” really felt like, and I would die trying to prevent anything from hurting my child.  (Sound familiar)…. We took Colton home and I learned quickly that things had changed a lot in the years between the boys, I also learned that you have a lot of energy at 19 (I was exhausted!!).  He was completely different from his older brother, he also happened to be a carbon copy of his Dad.  I mean with his white hair, pale skin, and bright blue eyes I could have just been an incubator ;-)  He’s smart, sensitive, has the biggest heart in the world, funny, silly, and oh so picky.  He gets distracted by the smallest thing so this leads to a lot of issues following instructions but he knows all he has to do is use that strong little voice and say “Mommy I’m sorry I love you so much.”  I’m a pretty big sucker for him also ;-)  Do you see those blue eyes?!

The third in appearance would be Mr. Weston.  He is only 15 months behind Colton (I’m not sure what we were thinking lol).  Once again when he came along and I got to hold him, when they placed that beautiful baby in my arms I knew I didn’t have a clue.  The amount of emotion that hit me took my breath away.  In that very moment I knew three things; he was perfect, I now knew what “love” really felt like, and I would die trying to prevent anything from hurting my child.  Are you starting to see a pattern? ;-)  Weston is our sneak; he has the smallest features and the softest little voice.  We call him our little “Who” of the little mouse.  You really have to watch him he will fool you, one minute he’s speaking in the sweet little voice and the next one of his brothers is screaming because he snuck up behind them and kicked them.  Even three kids in I’m still a sucker all it takes is one look at that little face and one sweet word and I’m a goner.  Just look at him!!!

Our last little arrival is Keaton.  I didn’t feel like Keaton would ever get here.  I was sick the whole time and so, so tired!! I had three boys so surely he would be a girl, right?!  Wrong……but he’s pretty enough to be one ;-)  I wanted a girl so bad, I’m ashamed to admit I even cried (we’ll blame that on hormones) when I found out he wasn’t.  Keaton was borderline high risk, I spent more time at the Doctor when I was pregnant with him then I did the others combined.  BUT when they placed that beautiful baby in my arms I knew I didn’t have a clue.  The amount of emotion that hit me took my breath away.  In that very moment I knew three things; he was perfect, I now knew what “love” really felt like, and I would die trying to prevent anything from hurting my child. (Do you get it now, each time I loved my child more then I ever thought was possible even thought I had three others.  I just don't understand how some people don't.) Keaton was many things but easy was not one of them.  The child never slept (at night anyway) 2 years later he still doesn’t.  I swear he needs a maximum of one hour per night and he’s good to go.  He’s loud, stubborn, and boy can he throw a tantrum.  He’s the most head strong of the bunch and that is saying something!!  He pretty much stays in trouble lucky for him he is also pretty smart.  I can get down on his level and be about ready to let him have it but as soon as I open my mouth he takes his little hand pets my face, leans in to kiss me, and says “Hi Ma” (yes he calls me Ma).  And at that point I pretty much forget what he had done in the first place.  Check out his Angelina Jolie lips lol….

 Now that you’ve listened to me ramble for way to long about my kids I guess you’re wondering if I have a point.  Here’s my point….are my kids spoiled?  Yes probably…..are my kids loved?  More then they’ll ever know…..Do I try and teach them how to be respectful little beings even though I’m a sucker…..You bet I do…..Do I screw up? Well yeah probably more times than I can count.  BUT I keep on doing what I need to do because they are mine and I am their Mom.  Every day it seems like I read something else that reminds me just how important of a job title “Mom” is.  Whether it’s a heartbreaking story about someone losing their child to a horrible tragedy, or one about a child fighting a terrifying disease, or an absolutely senseless tragedy that some hateful, disgusting person causes to happen to a defenseless child.  Our children are our future.  They are the best parts of us; they are who we leave behind to care for our grandchildren.  They are innocent little hearts and minds that depend on us to nurture them, teach them right from wrong and always have their backs.  Why do some not realize this?  Why are children being killed before they can even be born?  Why are parent’s beating, starving and torturing their children when there are people out there who would give anything to be able to have a child of their own?  Love you children, love other’s children, love ALL the children!!! That’s why they are put here so that they can be loved!!!!  It's our job:-)


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