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Thursday, June 18, 2015

CTC Math Review

CTCMath Review
We are always on the lookout for new Math programs.  And even though we do a lot of pencil and paper work nothing beats the convenience of a computer based program that can help us learn.  CTC Math was a program that I was unfamiliar with before this review, for this review I was given access to their 12 Month Family Plan for Homeschoolers .  This program has a lot of pros and cons and for our family the cons out weighed the pros even though there are less cons then pros but I do not think that would be the case in a different situation.  We used this program 3 days a week to start with as an online math tutor.  Right off the bat I was impressed with how well it explained stuff and so I tried to work it into our schedule a little more often but my kiddos just weren't interested.  I was using this program with Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade students and a rising high school freshman. I am going to start by listing what we thought were pros and how they could help your family and then I will discuss the cons and why they had such a huge impact on our decision to only use the program occasionally.

  • You can purchase individual or family plans
  • It is very well laid out and the lessons explain the skills they are teaching very well
  • The student can work at their own speed
  • The student can jump around and work on only the skills they struggle with
  • It is very easy for parents to keep track of their student's progress and see where they need to improve 
  • It is easy to use...just log in and you are ready to go
  • It is NOT common core based
  • It covers a great amount of grade appropriate material and helps fill in gaps really well
  • It is a little pricier then I would prefer but the homeschool discount is great
  • My kids found it very dull and it just did not keep the interest of the younger kids, the older one did not have this problem and I think higher grades would be fine

Like I said there are way more pros then cons for CTC Math and we only had two cons but they were big ones for us.  The expense...the 12 Month Family Plan for Homeschoolers is $297 per year for non homeschoolers and $118.80 per year for homeschoolers.  It is very straight forward without a lot of bells and whistles which is fine but in order to get my younger kiddos to use a computer program I need it to keep their attention.  CTC Math did not.

 The entry screen is very easy to navigate.  It has everything broken down into grades until the higher levels and then it is broken down into classes.

 After you click on the grade and then subject that you want to study it will take you to the work screen.
 The "work" consists of a lesson, then questions then you can go take the test to rate your skills.
 This is my favorite part of the program...for each lesson you have the option to print out a lesson summary.  These make great study guides for being able to go over the skills away from the computer.

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