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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Field Trip Journal Review.....Apologia

Exploring Creation Field Trip Journal Review
One of the perks of homeschooling is the fact that you can take field trips whenever you want.  And we fully take advantage of this by taking a lot of field trips.  We take so many during the Spring and Fall that we do the majority of our official schoolwork during the cold of Winter and the heat of Summer.  The wonderful thing about field trips is that the can be as simple or as complicated as you want them to be and you can incorporate an incredible amount of learning and life skills into each one.  We have visited local museums, zoos, state parks and local water spots.  We have also traveled for our field trips; to Chattanooga for the Aquarium and Children’s Museum, Nashville for ICE and the Opryland Hotel, Alabama for the Kennedy Space Center.  We were very excited when Apologia Educational Ministries offered us the opportunity to review their Exploring Creation Field Trip Journal.

I’m not sure what I expected I guess just a blank scrapbook like journal especially for the very affordable price of only $22 but what I got was something completely different.  The Exploring Creation Field Trip Journal is full of useful tips and information that make planning any field trip much easier.  Plus since we decided to use it as a family book we had a blast filling in the pages talking about all of our trips.  I can see us filling up about one book per year if we record our adventures (we repeat several adventures each year) so the price and easy use makes it a great way to keep track of your year.   
Exploring Creation Field Trip Journal Review

The first section; Preparing for a Field Trip is a great intro for someone new to homeschooling that might be a little intimidated about scheduling adventures.  It gives you tips on what to do before, during and after a field trip to make it a success whether it is a small family trip or a large group trip. The next couple of sections go over field trip idea (there are several that I had never thought of), and then a place to list all the destinations you decided to visit.  The remaining sections let you records your specific trips, special spots, and your own personal memories from all your trips.  You can use these sections however you want but at the beginning of each section Apologia Educational Ministries has gave you some great suggestions. 
The inside of the book is made up of sturdy pages and a durable cover, with bright colors and easy to read writing.  I can definitely see us purchasing some more of these in the future to continue recording all of our adventures.

There are a couple of bonuses that come with this book.  On the bottom of one of the field trip idea pages is a link and password to access additional useful activities that go along with the journal.  Apologia Educational Ministries includes this link in each book which gives you more field trip ideas and state maps. 

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And remember to check out the other reviews for the rest of the Review Crew!!!
Exploring Creation Field Trip Journal Review

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