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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Week 5- Big Decision Today

We have a very busy past couple of weeks.   We started the practice TCAP test on Thursday and Friday of last week and finished them up on Monday and Tuesday of this week.  After Dalton learned to slow down, quit answering carelessly, and stop skipping questions he did great!! Monday and Tuesday he had a very heavy workload but did great.  Today, tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday he is taking his official TCAPS at his old elementary school so he gets a break from the lessons here at home.  Getting him up and off to school this morning was challenging for both of us since we had gotten out of the routine.  I went and picked him up at 11:40 today thinking he would be sad to leave his friends and stressed over the test since he sort of struggled with the practice ones but no..........He was ecstatic to be leaving and told me he did the Language/Reading test today(which is one he struggles with) and that he felt like he did GREAT.  He said he didn't know where  I came up with his practice TCAP but the one he took today was much easier :-)

He has decided to return to public school in the Fall and will be attending Middle School so while I was picking him up today I also picked up Kindergarten enrollment forms for Colton thinking I would just hang up my homeschool hat.  WRONG....after much deliberation over a ridiculous school supply list that included 22 required items(most of those also required multiples of each item) and 7 optional items, and learning about a placement test required now before Kindergarten I decided to enroll him for homeschool starting in the Fall.  I mean please tell me what a 5 yr old needs 30 gluesticks and 8 composition notebooks for?!?!?! The test I actually get that idea but it just seems like too much.  I'm not against improvement in our school systems and think it's a wonderful thing but we can only add so much to the stress that our teachers and students are already under before the whole education system breaks down.  Kindergarten use to consist of fun learning, numbers, letters, shapes, colors, etc. Now my extremely hyperactive, talkative 5 yr old is going to be expected to sit still and quiet long enough in a classroom to fill up 8 composition notebooks worth of work?? That's unrealistic and unnecessary in my opinion.  Our children should not be subjected to such stressful standards so young.

Lessons(Decisions) for the Day- I have decided to homeschool all 3 of my younger boys from Kindergarten-5th grade.

Dalton's Lesson for the Day- Slow down and pay attention....

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