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Friday, August 19, 2016

Still Surviving School..But We Are BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!!!

Monday we start Day 22 of school.  I am already ready for Christmas break;-)  We have successfully survived two weeks at co-op and starting back piano lessons. 

This year has been crazy busy, I keep hoping it calms down soon but I don't see it happening.  I won't lie with the boys moving up a grade level getting all their work done is proving to be just as challenging to me as it is them.  They are hanging in there (so am I) but they have no problem letting me know this year is HARD!! We have done some fun things so far like; going inside Norris Dam for a tour, gardening downtown with friends, etc.

We don't usually do school on Friday but they have so far played a super cute math game called math marks the spot and they have begged to do reading eggs and math seeds since they woke up so I finally caved. 

We are also attending a fun field trip later this afternoon:-)  Can't wait to visit the muse for the planetarium show called "Knoxville Skies". 

I hope everyone else is hanging in there and enjoying their year so far!!! I will do better about blogging...maybe...I have my hands full right now lol.

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