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Saturday, January 23, 2016

My Top Five Oils.... Number One Is...

I am doing a HUGE special for the month of January!! The details are below;
If you sign up with me as a retail customer during January AND make an order of at least $25 you will get a free oil from me!!!:-) If you sign up as a wholesale member with me during January and order a premium starter kit you will get a $20 gift card to either Walmart or Amazon (your choice)!!:-) Message me!!!!
Go sign up HERE!!!  Essential oils have changed my life and the lives of my family.  If has effected how we exist in our home on a daily basis.

Now onto my top five oils.  For the next few weeks I am going to cover my favorite five oils.  This comes as a response to someone asking me if I could only buy one oil what would it be.  When you first begin looking into essential oils the first thing that most people focus on is price.  I understand that is tight and the oils can be expensive.  But as I share with you my top 5 I think you will be surprised at how little they cost and how long they last.  Money is a big consideration at my house so I have to find affordable oils that work for us and I have!!!

My number 1 must have oil is Peppermint!!  I love this oil!!!  Here is the information that Young Living gives on peppermint oil;

"Product Summary Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for supporting normal digestion, including promoting healthy intestinal function and gastrointestinal system comfort.* This essential oil has been widely studied for its potential health benefits.* Peppermint is a hybrid of the watermint and spearmint plants and is native to the Middle East and Europe. Growing to approximately 2 feet tall, peppermint plants bloom from July through August, sprouting tiny, purple flowers. 

Ingredients: Peppermint (Mentha piperita)† leaf oil †100% pure, therapeutic-grade essential oil

Primary Benefits
•  Supports gastrointestinal system comfort*
•  Promotes healthy bowel function*
•  Maintains efficiency of digestive tract*
•  Supports normal digestion*
•  May support performance during exercise *"

The prices I am going to list are the prices of a wholesale member.  If you want to buy them retail then the prices are 24% more then the ones I have listed.

You can purchase peppermint oil in two sizes; 5ml for $10.00 or 15ml for $21.50.  Both of those prices are a drop in the bucket for all the benefits you get from this oil.

Since it is my number 1 pick then it is obviously my go to oil for just about everything.  Here are just some of the ways I use it on a daily basis;

  • I add it and lemon to the diffuser in the morning to get us moving.  
  • I add it along with lemon and lavender to the diffuser to help our house get rid of those seasonal sniffles
  • If my head doesn't feel great then I use some peppermint oil to perk it right up
  • Stomach doesn't feel great I use some peppermint oil to soothe it 
  • Not moving as quick as I would like on a cold day then I rub peppermint oil along with a carrier oil on to get my body moving
  • I also add it to my water and even my cappuccino everyone now and then

The uses for this oil just go on and on.  If you are wanting to try essential oils but don't know where to start then start with Peppermint.  It won't let you down!!!

Don't forget to go HERE to get your essential oils today!!!  Also if you have questions follow my FACEBOOK page to get in touch with me and see the latest specials.

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